Human Resources Management

Our #1 priority is your biggest asset…. People

Accessible, Reliable Human Resources Consulting

Meet your personal Human Resources Team! Our clients trust us to guide them through their stickiest situations, help them hire and train employees, guide them through complicated red tape, and call us when they just need a listening ear.

Human Resources Management Services

Human Resources Consulting

Human Resources compliance is one of the main reasons business owners call us…usually when a situation has gone awry. Not only are we here for you then, but we’re also always working proactively behind the scenes to keep you and your employees in the clear. Our team keeps up-to-date on HR news so you don’t have to, and we roll it out before you can send us an email saying, “Do I need to worry about this?”

Employee Handbooks and Policies

We can create a new employee handbook for you or edit your existing one to ensure everyone is on the same page and complying with state and federal regulations.

Onboarding Assistance

We make sure your new employees are properly trained and documentation is completed according to the job requirements.

Unemployment Claims

Our experts can help you navigate the unemployment claim process and assist with furloughs or layoffs if they occur. We answer the phone when the unemployment office calls, and if necessary, participate in unemployment hearings on your behalf.

Job Descriptions

We ensure that job descriptions are inclusive, clear, thorough, and appealing to job seekers to bring you a diverse applicant pool to fit your organization’s talent needs.

Performance Management

We assist with creating performance management processes across your organization, from employee development plans, disciplinary action assistance and tracking, year-end reviews, and manager training.

Human Resources Within Reach

Related Services

Employee Benefits & Administration

Access to high-quality benefits without the burden of daily administration or staffing.


Pay people without a painful process.

Compliance & Training

Ensure compliance and keep your team trained with expert guidance.

About Us

We’re all about talent sharing at Total Solutions. We’re a team of experts assembled to fulfill your business needs however you want, wherever you want.

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