We’re a team of experts assembled to fulfill your business needs where and when you need them.

Meet Our Team

Leadership Team

Aaron Tennant
Aaron Tennant CEO
Kristin Berry
Kristin BerryPresident
Jaime Corsiglia
Jaime CorsigliaAccounting Manager
Ray Cotty
Ray CottyCFO
Zach Gatton
Zach GattonDirector of Marketing
Sarah Martens
Sarah MartensDirector of Human Resources
Angela Morris
Angela MorrisChief Growth Officer


Jessica Adams
Jessica AdamsAccountant
Josh Dennis
Josh DennisAccountant
Connor Hughes
Connor HughesAccountant
Ashley Middleton
Ashley MiddletonAccountant
Joe Pement
Joe PementAccountant
Sidney Rolling
Sidney RollingAccountant

HR / Payroll / PEO

Chris Castelein
Chris CasteleinHR & Risk Specialist
Shelly Holst
Shelly HolstHR Generalist
Cindy Klemme
Cindy KlemmePayroll Specialist

Sales & Marketing

Emily McGovern
Emily McGovernMarketing Coordinator
Rachel Vickers
Rachel VickersMarketing Coordinator

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