At Total Solutions, we pride ourselves on the talent and dedication of our team. Today, we introduce you to Jessica Adams, our skilled accountant who combines professionalism with a deep sense of community and family.

A New Service at Total Solutions?

When asked what new service she would introduce at Total Solutions, Jessica enthusiastically suggested a daycare. “Having a daycare would allow me to see my daughter throughout the day,” she says, highlighting the importance of family-friendly policies in the workplace.

A Moment of Laughter

Jessica recalls a team-building activity where everyone shared their biggest fears. “Talking about our biggest fears during a team-building activity was definitely interesting!” she laughs, showing the lighter side of the Total Solutions team spirit.

Dream Partnership

Jessica doesn’t have a specific company in mind but would love to partner with any charity that supports families and children in need. “That’s what I love about the giving tree in the winter—getting to give back to the community!”

Perfect Weekend
Jessica’s perfect weekend, without money or obligation constraints, would be spent on a beach in Hawaii with her family. “It would be the ultimate relaxation and family bonding time,” she shares.

Ultimate Comfort Food

Jessica’s comfort food is pizza, and she has specific favorites for different times of the day: breakfast pizza from Casey’s, dessert pizza from Pizza Ranch, and taco pizza from Happy Joe’s. Each place holds a special spot in her heart.

Impactful Reading

The last book Jessica read that made a significant impact on her was “Imagine Heaven.” The book reinforced the importance of faith and family. “The material things in life aren’t as important as the relationships we build with our families and others around us,” she reflects.

Jessica Adams exemplifies the values of Total Solutions, blending professional excellence with a strong commitment to community and family. Her innovative ideas and heartfelt approach make her an invaluable part of our team. Interested in meeting our accountants to see what they could do for you? Contact us today!